bankruptcy process start finish

Filing for Bankruptcy Process Start to Finish

Bankruptcy Process Start Finish

Overwhelmed by the thought of filing for bankruptcy?

Check out this video for a summary of the bankruptcy procedures from start to finish of a bankruptcy case.

The MacSim Firm is ready to help you get a fresh start today. Click here to learn how you can start your case today.



18 replies
  1. Sarkis Armenian
    Sarkis Armenian says:

    When filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, you have to make payments to pay off your debt and you said typically withing 3-5 years. Do i have to pay the full debt or is there a settlement and i pay a portion of my debt?

  2. Lee Johnson
    Lee Johnson says:

    Donald Trump does not pay his debts. Donald Trump Declares Bankruptcy and the people who loaned Donald Trump money are just screwed big time.

  3. Bankruptcy Attorneys
    Bankruptcy Attorneys says:

    Thanks for the nuts and bolts of bankruptcy Roger. Video has very good and helpful information for anyone thinking about filing a bankruptcy.

  4. cowboyjim90078
    cowboyjim90078 says:

    Very well explained. I just paid $3. 679.78 for a attorney to tell me to file for Voluntary Petition for Individuals for Bankruptcy. Only to find out that now I'm really in bankruptcy. They said that it would be dismiss t. But now I got a short time to get everything straight. I was only wanting to save my house. NOT to file bankruptcy. Now I got no money to pay a attorney to help me through this ordeal. But what you explained was something I can use to help me get through this> Thank you for your info, Even though it was made back in 2010 . I'm all most sure that you are not following this video. But if you are then I can Use your Help. Thanks, C.J.

  5. D E M I CLARK
    D E M I CLARK says:

    great video do you what forms I need to fill out in filling for chapter 7 bankruptcy because this is my first time an I'm really not clear on what forms to file

  6. Maryland Wage Garnishments-How to stop Maryland MD wage garnishments
    Maryland Wage Garnishments-How to stop Maryland MD wage garnishments says:

    Helpful information to get out to consumers who are facing this large decision in their financial  lives.


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